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学术报告-Photonic sensing: Physical,Biomedical an
发布时间:2019/03/25 00:00:00 | 点击:

题目:Photonic sensing: Physical, Biomedical and Environmental applications

时间:2019年4月8日 上午10点


报告人:Thomas Allsop (Aston University)

报告人简介:Graduated from Queen Mary College with a Hons degree in Physics and Astrophysics continued studies with a M.Sc. in optoelectronics from Newcastle University followed by a PhD in optoelectronics/photonics from University of Plymouth in 1998. Since then worked at Aston University in Photonics for a total of 17 years with current position of senior research fellow along with an Instituto de Optica "Daza de Valdés" CSIC Madrid.

Over these years he has worked on various photonic and applied optics projects ranging from biomedical optics and biophotonics (biochemical sensors and biosensors) to laser material interaction (femtosecond laser inscription) and nano-structured thin film coating technologies and plasmonics.

Furthermore, he has worked on two magneto optical trap experiments for optical atomic clocks one at LENS (European laboratory for nonlinear spectroscopy) in Florence, Italy and two the National Physical Laboratory in Teddington, UK working under Professor Patrick Gill, MBE, FRS (Fellow of the Royal Society). Along with a consultative role in the field of astrophotonics for the institute of astrophysics in Potsdam, Germany.

These activities have resulted in over a 100 publications (with 80 being the lead author) and resulted in 12 international patents in the field of photonics, biomedical optics and bio-photonics with an h-index: 25, i10-index 41 (Source: Google Scholar)

报告摘要:Over the last two decades there has been a rapid expansion of fibre optic telecommunications. One area that has benefited from this growth is photonic sensing, which has utilised the technology developed to meet the demands in telecommunications and was once considered to be telecommunications’s poor relation. However, nowadays photonic sensing is standing on its own feet and forging ahead with new technologies along with promising new and exciting applications.

To illustrate the above statement, I will talk about specific photonic sensing applications that I have undertaken at the Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies and Instituto de Optica "Daza de Valdés" CSIC Madrid. These will cover various types of sensors and sensing platforms that I have used or created: specifically I will present applications for fibre Bragg gratings, long period periods, surface plasmon resonances and localised surface plasmon resonances. I will cover these types of sensors and sensing mechanisms in Four examples:

• Firstly, the use of fibre gratings to monitor respiratory function plethysmography and cardiac-induced localized thoracic motion based upon shape sensing arrays

• Secondly, using fibre optic sensing schemes to produce a haptic and texture sensing scheme.

• Thirdly, the use of localised surface plasmons for gas phase chemical sensing and ultra-low concentration chemical sensing in the liquid phase, working with carbon nanotubes or a zinc oxide/platinum matrix and aptamers, respectively;

• Fourthly, using long period gratings with a femtosecond laser sculpted fibre employing magnetostriction to detect the magnitude and direction of small static magnetic fields.

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